The Reality of Animals

The Reality of Animals is Instinctive.

Animals instinctively know the reality of their experience.

Animals react instinctively, not rationally.

They have no ability of rational choice.

Whichever way they act or respond, it is instinctive.

They have no relative choice or dominion.

Dominion is the providence of Man not animals.

Animals have no conscious choice to make.

They have no option but to follow their instinct.

Their instinct is there to guide their path.

It is not possible for an animal to override its instinct and not behave instinctively, unless it has been trained by Man to do so.

When an animal responds to a Man’s command it is doing so because of Man’s choice, not their own choice.

The ability to consciously choose a variety of choices is Man’s Dominion over the animals.


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