The Real Reality

The reality is that Reality is real.

By definition reality is real.

Yet in a relative dual reality world, an unreal reality exists.

I can choose my reality to be real or unreal.

The real Reality is Absolute.

It is absolutely real.

An absolute reality is unchanging.

A relative reality allows choice.

One choice is relative to another choice.

One’s choice is relative to another’s choice.

One’s reality is relative to an other reality and another’s reality.

Realities are contiguous, continuous and sequential.

They are consequential, being the consequence of individual & collective thought.

My reality is what I believe to be true.

What I believe to be true is what I experience because what I experience confirms what I believe to be true.

What I believe to be true is real for me.

It is my reality.

My reality is continually changing as through my experience of life, I change my mind about what is my Real Reality.

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