The Purpose of Relationship

The Purpose of Relationship depends upon the type of relationship:

The purpose of a Co-Dependent Relationship is to meet each other’s needs emotionally.

I am attracted to my partner because we meet each other’s needs. We have opposing yet complimentary emotional needs.

The purpose of an Inter-Dependent Relationship is to support each other on our own individual and uniquely independent path.

I am attracted to my partner because they support me on my chosen path and I support them on their chosen path. We share the same emotional needs.

The purpose of an Inter-Developmental Relationship is to share mutual opportunities for development and growth together.

I am attracted to my partner because we share the same true values and use our energy in similar ways to follow concurrent paths.

In a Co-dependent relationship, the purpose is to share our problems in life.

In an Inter-dependent relationship, the purpose is to share our challenges in life.

In an Inter-developmental relationship, the purpose is to share our opportunities in life.

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