The Purpose of Relationship

The Purpose of Relationship is threefold:

1. To meet the emotional needs of both partners in a relationship.

I have a relationship with anyone who meets my needs emotionally. I develop my personality and my character in order to relate better to other people and be more successful in getting my emotional needs met by them. This may be the case whether it is with a marriage partner, a family relative, a friend, a work colleague, or even a family pet.

This is called a Co-dependent Relationship and is ‘being together in separateness’.

2. To enable me to grow and to develop personally in a spiritual way.

On a spiritual path of development and growth, other people are essential as a mirror image of who and where I am on my path. As it is impossible to see the aspects of my own identity that I have chosen to develop, other people are attracted to me as my opportunity to see in them what I wish to change in my Self.

This is called an Interdependent Relationship and is ‘Being Separate in Togetherness’

3. To allow me to share the attributes and attainments of my true identity with others.

By sharing the highest aspects of who I am with another who has attained those attributes, allows us both to experience and to enjoy the exponetial benefits of our mutual development and growth.

This is called an Interdevelopmental Relationship and is ‘Being Together in Togetherness’.

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