The Purpose of Dreams

The Purpose of Dreams is threefold:

  1. To solve problems
  2. To succeed in challenges
  3. To explore opportunities

Dreams give me the opportunity to solve problems in my life before they occur as problems in my life.

When I find the solution to a problem in my dream, it does not need to manifest as a problem in my reality.

Dreams give me the opportunity to complete a challenge in my life without being challenged in my real life.

When I succeed in completing a challenge in my dreams, I no longer need to be challenged in the same way in my real life.

Dreams give me an opportunitgy to explore life in the spiritual as a dress rehearsal for experiencing life in the physical.

When I explore an opportunity in my dreams first, it allows the exploration of an opportunity in real life to occur effortlessly.

From a positive perspective, every dream is an opportunity to learn, to grow and to develop spiritually.

Negative challenging problems in dreams, as in real life, are just opportunities in disguise.

The Purpose of Life is to dream, realise those dreams, and then experience those dreams.

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