The Purple Pill

The Purple Pill offers a third choice, which overcomes the dilemma of a choice between the Red Pill or the Blue Pill.

  • The Red Pill is a metaphor for the painful truth
  • The Blue Pill is a metaphor for blissful ignorance
  • The Purple Pill is a metaphor for personal destiny

It is my fate to choose between the red pill & the blue pill. it is my destiny to choose the purple pill.

Red or blue is a relative choice between the yin & yang of male & female energy:

  • The red pill denotes the female gender of my emotional feelings, which are sensitive & connected
  • The blue pill denotes the male gender of my rational thinking, which is exclusive & detached
  • The purple pill denotes the balanced gender of my emotional intelligence, which is exclusively connected & sensitively detached

Taking the Red pill, I am emotionally aware; taking the blue pill I am rationally conscious; and taking the purple pill, I am consciously-aware of my emotionally-rational intuitive thoughts & feelings.

Life is always a dilemma with only a choice between the red or the blue pill. With a choice between male rational thinking or female emotional feelings, my head and my heart are always in conflict.

The purple pill is my third choice of inner peace, with a neutral polarity of mental frequencies and a balanced gender of emotional wavelengths, my life-force energy vibrates in harmonious accord.

The unity between red & blue is purple, which represents the harmony of my inner peace of mind, the accord of mental & emotional intelligence and the balance of my intuitively thoughtful awareness with my conscious intellectual thinking.

  • The purple pill is a metaphor for beneficial opportunities to thrive
  • The red pill is a metaphor for striving to meet uncertain challenges
  • The blue pill is a metaphor for surviving problematic solutions

Taking the purple pill overcomes pain, fear & problems. It ensures that I am never lost, confused or frustrated. It exclusively connects my conscious rational intellectual intelligence, and my sub-conscious instinctive emotional intelligence, with my super-conscious intuitive spiritual awareness. It aligns my feelings of emotional competence, with the capacity of my mental thoughts, to the capability of my physical experience. It sensitively detaches me from the trauma of other people’s dramas and exclusively connects my Self to my individual, unique & personal sense of inner guidance & support; which aligns me with the destiny of a certainly beneficial path through life.

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