The Process Of Pivoting

A Process is how I proceed in life. The quality of my life is directly relative to the direction in which I proceed. My direction is revealed through my perspective, which illuminates my path.

My direction has a choice of polarity, which is either positive or negative. From my perspective, I perceive my direction with either clarity or confusion. A clear direction is positively beneficial and a confused perception is negatively detrimental.

The question is: What is the best choice of direction for my Self to proceed? To make a choice, I process information, data & intelligence in a rational way. This rational process is called reasoning. Intellectual reasoning may clarify a process or it may confuse a process because it has a choice of polarity, which may be either right or wrong.

With right reasoning, the outcome of the process is good and I proceed in a beneficial way, but with wrong information, the outcome of the reasoning may be judged to be bad & detrimental.

The problem is that rational intellectual thinking alone is devoid of sensitivity & emotion, which can be counter-intuitive. I see my direction as intuitively aligned with my chosen path when I know & feel it to be so.

The process of pivoting allows my intuitive connection to my inner guidance system. Without any inner guidance, my perspective is out of alignment with my true path. My true path in life allows the experience of what I truly value. What I truly value in life is in alignment with my chosen vision & purpose. My mission in life is to clearly see the direction of my vision and to fulfil it with purpose.

My purpose is to fulfil my vision for my life. My path is the mission that I am proceeding to follow because it aligns with the purpose of my vision, with both clarity & direction

The process of pivoting allows the attainment of presence & stillness. When I attain calmness, stillness & presence; I can pivot in any direction. When I am sub-consciously driven or I am motivated by a sub-conscious force, I am unable to distill my presence and I am unable to remain in the moment of now.

The process of pivoting requires emotional power. With insufficient emotional power, I am forced to follow the sub-conscious programmes of my ego sense of Self. My sub-conscious Id is responsible for my autonomous emotional power and is driven to get my emotional needs met in the best way that it knows how.

The process of pivoting is inhibited by my mental limiting beliefs. Whatever I believe that I must, should, ought to or have to do, will disallow my present ability to pivot. Many times when I have needed to pivot, I have been forced forward and I have stumbled or stubbed my toe.

The process of pivoting requires balance, both physical and emotional. When I balance the male & the female gender of my emotional energy, I feel the pure & positive power of the clear inspiration, which allows my presence.

Inspiration is the clarity of a beneficial direction. Pivoting allows a choice of direction, which allows a choice of inspired perspective. When the perspective with which I align is positively inspired, I am empowered to follow it. When my current perspective is unenlightened, disempowering, uninteresting and emotionally draining; then its polarity is negative, which means its direction is never beneficial.

Pivoting allows me to move from a negative perspective to a positive perspective by changing the direction or polarity of my thinking. It is never my physical path that is negative but my perspective of my path when it is out of alignment with my true perception of what is beneficial for my Self.

Fears & false beliefs restrict my vision of my true path and disconnect my powers of intuitive perception. When I pivot to a perspective where I perceive my true power of well being & good feeling, I intuitively know that my attitude feels positive and the outcome of my actions will exactly match my state of being.

A happy perception of a well perspective always has a beneficial outcome for my Self. Pivoting allows me to reflect on my choices of perspective to discern which actions I intuitively know & feel to be right for me, in each & every moment of time.

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