The Problem With Emotional Needs

The Problem with Emotional Needs is that a need for emotional energy is a problem.

My sub-conscious mind has a continual problem of how to meet my need for emotional energy.

My need for emotional energy is an emotional need and a problem.

Emotional needs remain a problem until I find a solution.

They disallow the opportunities in life that I truly value.

The solution for any emotional need is to get it met.

Getting my emotional needs met remains a problem when the solution is sub-conscious.

When I become conscious of my individually unique set of emotional needs, I can consciously set about meeting them my Self.

When I learn the lesson of an emotional need, I can face up to consciously meeting that need.

Unless I can name my particular emotional need, I cannot consciously meet that need and solve my problem.

All problems in my life are created by my need for emotional power.

With enough emotional power, I have the emotional energy to take the opportunities that I truly value.

When I consciously learn to meet my emotional needs quickly and effectively, all of life’s problems become valuable opportunities for my personal growth.

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