The Prime Attributes Of A Coach

The Prime Attributes of a Coach are Sensitivity & Detachment.

Supporting a client on their development path requires the attribute of Sensitivity.

Sensitivity, also known as empathy & compassion, is the understanding of where someone is emotionally.

It is knowing, feeling & seeing that the level of the client’s emotional energy is sufficient to allow them the power to follow their own development path.

Without sufficient emotional power their development will become restricted & limited.

Detachment, also known as non-attachment, is the ability of the Coach to remain un-involved in the drama that is creating the client’s resistance or limitation.

Guiding a client along their path of personal development requires the attribute of detachment, which allows the Coach to get out of the way.

Without detachment, the Coach will get lost within the drama that is disallowing the client’s path from unfolding effortlessly.

To be sufficiently empowered with sensitivity, the Coach is required to know and consciously meet their own emotional needs. Only then are they sufficiently empowered to support their client.

To be sufficiently detached and inspired to guide their client, the Coach is first challenged to overcome their own fears & limiting beliefs, which will attach them negatively to the client’s situation.

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