The Prime Attributes of a Coach

1. A Coach is Charge Neutral

When a Coach is being ‘positive’, they are in empathy or in compassion with the Coachee and involved in their drama.

When the Coach is being ‘negative’, they are in sympathy or apathetic to the Coachee and involved in the drama.

When the Coach is being ‘charge neutral’, they are sensitive to where the Coachee is emotionally yet detached from the outcome and not involved in the drama.

The Attribute of being Charge Neutral is being Sensitively-Detached.

2. A Coach is Emotionally Intelligent

Being sensitive to where the Coachee is requires Emotional Intelligence. An emotionally intelligent Coach understands emotional energy and the Coachee’s need for emotional energy. This is what is driving the Coachee.

Being detached is not the same as being unemotional, which is being insensitive and disconnected emotionally.

Being irrational is not the same as being sensitive, which is understanding the emotions of another.

Being Sensitively-Detached allows the Coach to be Emotionally-Rational, which is the attribute of being Emotionally Intelligent.

3. A Coach is Intuitive

Being sensitive to the Coachee requires the intuitive sense of ‘feeling’. Without feeling there is no emotional intelligence.

For emotional feeling to be intelligent requires a rational understanding that comes from an intuitive ‘knowing’.

When a Coach both knows and feels, in a guiding and supporting way, they can clearly ‘see’ the best intentions for the Coachee, which is their true direction for their life.

Intuition connects the Coach to the Coachee in a way that allows them to follow their exclusive path.

Guiding and supporting the Coachee on their unique life path requires the attribute of being Exclusively Connected and Intuitive.

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