The Prime Attainments Of A Coach

I cannot coach another on their personal path of development unless I am myself on a personal path of development.

A Life Coach knows that they have a personal path of development and that all clients also have a path of development that is individually unique to each person.

I cannot give to another or share with another that which I do not have myself.

I cannot guide & support another on their development path unless, in turn, I am supported & guided myself.

Following a path of development requires emotional power, mental authority & physical ability.

Flowing effortlessly along that path requires all three to be in mental, physical & emotional balance.

With enough mental authority, I remember my Vision.

With enough emotional power, I perceive my Purpose.

With enough physical ability, I realise my Mission.

When I see my mission, feel my purpose and know my vision, I attain the clarity, direction & presence to flow along my development path and I truly value the opportunities that my journey has to offer me.

Attaining a clear purpose and a direct vision of my present mission is essential for the Coach and why the Coach is essential to the client.

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