The Pragmatist & The Romantic

A Pragmatist creates a practical reality that is based on experienced fact.

A Romantic creates an imaginary reality that is based on fiction.

Pragmatists & Romantics are both trapped within a dual reality world of fact or fiction, truth or untruth, embroiled in a battle between the rational mind and the emotional heart.

A Pragmatist believes that ideals are unattainable in their experience and to be Idealistic means having high ideals, which is being romantic.

A Romantic believes that an ideal world only exists within their own imagination and to be Idealistic means facing reality, which is being pragmatic.

A Realist believes in the literal truth, whereas a Romanticist prefers literal fantasy and fiction.

A Pragmatist believes in the practical truth and makes that fact a reality, whereas a Fantasist believes their reality to be a fact.

The Truth is that neither being Pragmatic nor being Romantic is a Realism that allows my Self to Realise my own Ideal Reality in a Realistic way.

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