The Power of Thought

All thought has the power to create.
The creative power of thought energy has a force and a magnitude that determines its potential.
The forcefulness of a thought is determined by its frequency.
The more often a thought is evident the greater the frequency.
Both a positive and a negative perspective can be equally as forceful and equally as creative, or destructive.
The magnitude of a thought is determined by its wavelength.
The purer a thought is, the more aligned it is with ‘love’ and the greater the magnitude of power that it has.
A pure thought is undivided by either the force of its polarity or the magnitude of its gender.
The purer the force and the magnitude of my thought energy, the greater is its creative potential.
Purity is relative to both a balanced gender and a neutral polarity.
Reality is the experience of thought energy made manifest.
Thought has the power to create, uncreate and recreate my reality.
The purity of my thought determines its level of authority.
The more authority that my thought has the more powerful it is.

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