The Physical Plane

The Physical Plane is the Realm of Physical Science, where physical laws govern physical existence.

It is where Spiritual Beings incarnate for the purpose of spiritual development & growth.

It is the physical dimension of Spirit.

It is where Spiritual Beings experience a physical experience called being physical.

There is no such thing as a purely physical being.

Being physical is a state of being that is a mental & an emotional experience.

The Planet Earth is a physical realm on which Spiritual Beings experience a physical reality of their own creation.

It is a particularly useful place to experience growth because in the physical plane thinking, unlike pure thought, is not instantly creative.

The physical plane is a creation of long held beliefs, convictions & experiences of several billion individual creative consciences that are limited only by their lack of creative power.

A consciousness that is disconnected from its Source of Spiritual Creative Power creates an experience of being a creation that is disconnected from its Spiritual Creator.

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