The Philosopher’s Stone

The Philosopher’s Stone is a metaphor for knowing one’s destiny.

Legend tells me that my Destiny is written on a white stone.

I know that my destiny is written “In Stone”.

A philosopher is a “Lover of Wisdom” and knows that it is wisdom that is written in stone.

It is my destiny to become wise.

The attainment of wisdom requires the development of my intuitive sense of knowing.

All the wisdom that I require is already written in my “Book of Life”.

My destiny is to be both the Author of my book and the Leading Character.

It is to bring my book “to life” and to experience the wisdom of my words.

It is my book that is written in stone and is the pathway to my destiny.

Every Philosopher knows that they have their own White Stone, their own exclusive journey, their own book of life, and their own unique destiny.


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