The Pathway to My Heart

In this relative world of dual reality, everything is divided.

Consciousness is divided into thought and emotion.

The frequency of thought is separate from the wavelength of emotion.

My Soul, in absolute reality, transmits a pure vibration of spiritual energy.

My Self, in relative duality, receives a frequency of thought and a wavelength of emotion.

This allows my Self to be in two minds, which allows choice.

Thought enters the mind in my head.

Emotion enters the mind in my solar plexus.

Becoming balanced and centred requires my two minds to become One.

When my thoughts and my emotions are balanced and in harmony, I re-connect with my Soul.

My Soul is the Mind in my Heart.

It is at the Core of my Beingness.

Overcoming duality is the Pathway to my Heart and the Mind of my Soul.

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