The Paradox of the Oxymoron

A Paradox is a self contradicting statement that can only be true if it is false.  e.g.  “I require a physical existence in order to experience my spiritual reality”.

True and false is a duality. In Absolute Reality there is only Truth, nothing is false.

Duality is a constant of Time & Space. In each moment of time and in each situation in space, something is either in existence and true or not in existence and false.

True or false is a perspective of the observer.  When the same observer sees a situation from both perspectives at once, they allow the Paradox to be the Truth.

Ultimate Truth is revealed through the understanding of the paradox of the dual reality of existence.

An Oxymoron is a figure of speech, where two words with opposing meanings are used together intentionally.  e.g. “Spiritual Physics”.

A Physician or Physical Scientist will see ‘Spiritual Physics’ as a contradiction in terms that is not logical and therefore it must be irrational, false and untrue.

A Spiritually Aware Initiate will understand the Paradox of the Oxymoron knowing that Spiritual Physics is the study of how to live energetically in a physical world.

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