The Paradox Of Self Help

The Paradox of Self Help is that we are expected to Help Our Self, yet we are taught not to. We are taught to ask others for their help by saying please & thank you.

Helping our Self is not allowed when it crosses someone else’s boundaries. Please & thank you allows our safe access across other people’s boundaries. It is their standard for giving help to others.

We are taught from an early age to respect other people’s standards, which they call laws, rules, ethics, morals or principles. These common standards become societal boundaries, which are helpful to a society when they stop Individuals helping themselves.

Other people’s standards are not necessarily mine and other people’s boundaries restrict my freedom and rarely help my Self. The best way to help my Self is to own my own standards and enforce my own boundaries. My own standard is to never cross another’s boundaries and to have extensive personal boundaries that others can never cross.

We all need other people’s help to understand their standards of behaviour expected of us. We need their help to understand their boundaries that they mean to enforce on us. I need help to understand what I must do, I ought to do, I have to do or I should do; so as not to make other people cross, when I cross one of their boundaries.

  • We are told that we are most helpful when we do what other people tell us to do, to their imposed standard.
  • We are told that we cannot just help ourself and in doing so, we are not helping our Self.

A Society that is controlled by a Government with Laws, a Religion with Morals, Professions with Ethics and Families with Principles can never teach the Gospel of Self Help.

We are not educated to believe that our Soul is ever present to Help its Self. A Soul who provides consistent help for its Self in the form of intuitive guidance, support & provision.

The Good News of the Self Help Gospel is that when I Help my Self, I Help my Soul and my Soul helps its Self in every moment to enjoy the best experience of Life.

The paradox is that when I cannot help myself, my Soul cannot help it’s Self either.

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