The Paradox Of Philosophy

The Paradox of Modern Philosophy is that it is the study of love & wisdom, with a rational intellect that is devoid of either wisdom or love. It chooses Philos over Eros and Ethos over Pathos in its ignorance of Logos & Agape.

The Paradox of Ancient Philosophy is that Philos is female love and Sophia is male wisdom. Uniting the love of Philos with the wisdom of Sophia is the yin & yang of philosophy, which unites the Logos of Agape

Whereas love & wisdom, or emotional wealth & mental light, are a duality; they are a pure duality when love is undivided by gender and wisdom is undivided by polarity.

  • Choosing a polarity of either male intellect or female intuition is not wise
  • Choosing a gender of either male rational consciousness or female emotional awareness has no worth
  • Choosing the true value of pure conscious-awareness with the wisdom of an emotionally intelligent intuitive intellect, is the best philosophy

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