The Paradox Of Perception & Perspective

Perception & Perspective are the same and they are different.

When I perceive a perspective of three dimensional life with my physical senses, whatever I perceive becomes my perspective. My perspective of reality is what I perceive it to be. My perception of reality is relative to my perspective of what is real.

When I add another dimension of awareness to my level of consciousness, my perception of awareness becomes different to my perspective of consciousness.

  • My rational intellect rates perspective & perception as the same thing
  • My emotional intelligence is aware that perception & perspective are different

Emotional Intelligence perceives a range of emotional feelings, intuitively. Rational Intellect is a personal mental belief system, which formulates a personal perspective.

My emotional perceptive awareness is distinct from my mental conscious perspective; yet I can only know this intuitively, you see!

Emotion is a perceived feeling with an intuitive perspective. When I see a perspective without using my eyesight, it is an intuitive perception.

Intuitive Awareness is a perception that has no prior physical perspective. Plato called it a priori knowledge.

  • An intuitive perspective can only be envisioned in the mind’s eye
  • A rational perception can only be perceived through an open heart

For every perspective of the Mind, there is a perception of the Heart.

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