The Paradox Of Mindfulness

Mindfulness requires the Mind to be both full and empty.

Mindfulness is a mental state, of being both present & aware. Being both mentally present & aware attains the emotional state of Presence & Awareness. Attaining Awareness of my emotional presence allows the emotional power to free my Mind.

My Mind is confined by and restricted by the poor quality of my sub-conscious programming. A mind full of sub-conscious fears & limiting beliefs, disallows the attainment of Mindfulness.

It is my sub-conscious mind that takes my conscious focus into my past memories and my future desires. Presence requires my conscious focus on the present moment.

I attain presence when I stop thinking about my past & my future. Presence is an emotional awareness, not a physical experience. A conscious physical perspective of the present has no emotional awareness of my spiritual nature.

My spiritual presence requires an awareness of my True Self. An awareness of my true Self can only be attained through the super-conscious mind of my Soul. An awareness of my spiritual Soul, allows my spiritual reality to be present, as a state of Present Awareness.

The consciousness of my physical ego sense of Self, disallows any awareness of the presence of my Soul. Mindfulness is not about an awareness of the physical presence of my ego. It is about being mindful of the super-conscious nature of the Soul. Connecting with the presence of my super-conscious Soul requires an awareness of what is disconnecting myself from my Soul. My super-conscious Soul connection is filtered through my sub-conscious Id. My sub-conscious Id is the mental operating system that allows me to experience physical life in my disconnection from Source.

The paradox of mindfulness is that I need to empty my sub-conscious mind of false limiting beliefs & fears, in order to connect with the true fullness of the super-conscious Mind of my Soul. I do this through meditation.

Meditation is the practice of emptying the sub-conscious chatter of the lower mind. This allows the awareness of super-conscious thoughts as messages to flow effortlessly & unrestricted from the Soul to its Self.

The paradox is that I need to empty my mind of negative mental beliefs to fill my mind with the truth of my own innate wisdom.

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