The Paradox Of Duality

The Paradox of Duality is that duality has a duality of non-duality. Non-duality is in contrast & opposition, relative to duality.

In a relative dual reality world, everything has an opposing or contrasting choice of perspective. I can perceive a world of duality and I can perceive a world of non-duality. Both perspectives exist simultaneously as an individual choice of each Individual or person.

When perceiving non-duality as an absolute perspective rather than a relative perspective, it becomes an oxymoron. This is because non-duality is a relative perspective not an absolute perspective. There is no absolute perspective in a relative world of duality.

An absolute perspective of non-dual reality cannot exist in the duality of space-time reality. A non-dual perspective of absolute reality can be conceived in a relative world as the contrast to a relative choice but it cannot be experienced. This statement can be perceived as either absolutely true or relatively true. It can also be deemed relatively true or relatively false and absolutely true & absolutely false. In the dual reality world of choice, many possible perspectives exist once they are personally conceived.

Reality is just a matter of personal perspective, based on personal choice, based on personal beliefs. In a relative dual reality world of choice, I am free to choose my personal beliefs, my personal perspective, my personal experience of reality or someone else’s.

It is duality that allows choice. It allows a choice of a non-real non-dual perspective and it allows a choice of a dual reality perception of perspective, which can be real, unreal or surreal.

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