The Paradigm of Success

In my old world paradigm, I measured success as my:

  • Skills and knowledge that I had learned
  • Status in my society
  • Money that I earned in employment 

The outward signs of my success were:

  • A Four bedroomed detached house
  • A 3 litre automatic car
  • A well educated family
  • A white collar executive job
  • An above average salary
  • An annual holiday abroad

The paradigm of my new life has a very different measure of success.

My Success now means succeeding in my Life Vision by following the life path that is my Destiny.

My success is now measured as:

  • Making authorised choices
  • Being connected to my Divine Power
  • Living an effortless life
  • Being my True Identity
  • Living my True Values
  • Being Present in each moment
  • My Acceptance of what Is
  • My personal development and my expansive growth
  • The Appreciation of everything that I have been given
  • The Revelation of my Divine Messages
  • Knowing who I am and why I am here

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