The Overseer

The Overseer is beyond the duality of the seer & the seen.

It is beyond the dual reality of the subject that sees and the object that is seen.

The Overseer is the ontological adjective perspective of my Super-conscious Self.

It is beyond Time and beyond Space.

My Overseer is free of the passage of time through the existence of space.

As the Overseer, my reality is absolute, time is eternal & space is infinite.

I am free of my physical body, my mental mind, & my emotional feelings.

I am the matter of pure energy in motion that is my super-conscious entity in a divine state of Beingness.

I am a wavelength of pure Love with a frequency of pure Light with a potential vibration for a pure Life.

My magnitude of power is omnipotent, my force of authority is omniscient & my potential ability is omnipresent.

The Overseer is the pure essence of who I am.

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