The Opportunist & The Profiteer

The Opportunist sees and accepts whatever is occurring in life as an opportunity.

The Profiteer seeks to profit from life and turn what is occurring to their advantage.

The Opportunist knows that beyond every problem is an opportunity waiting to be perceived.

The Profiteer ignores every problem and carries on regardless.

The Opportunist is sensitive to what is occurring and knows that an opportunity is never detrimental to another.

The Profiteer is insensitive to the circumstances of others and sees only their own personal gain.

The Opportunist never seeks to gain advantage over another, only to share their opportunity for mutual advantage.

The Profiteer competes for a better advantage for their Self, whereas the Opportunist believes that every opportunity is potentially beneficial for everyone.

The Opportunist is exclusively-connected & sensitively-detached, whereas the Profiteer is exclusively-disconnected & insensitively-detached.


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