The Now of Time

My physical body is always present.

It is present now in time.

It was present in the past and it will be present in every moment in the future.

My mind can travel in time.

I project my mind into the future when I ask ‘if’.

I can reflect on my past memories and say ‘but’.

I can merge the two perspectives with ‘but if’.

My emotional state of being is relative to my mental thinking.

Past memories are stored with the emotion with which they were experienced and they can both be projected into my future.

The Now of Time excludes all past & future thinking and all past & future emotional attachments.

It allows the present moment to be presented as a present called Presence.

The presence of my emotional clarity allows me to know my direction in time & space.

The messages of inner guidance & direction from my Soul are only ever present in the now of time.

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