The Need To Be Happy

In the pursuit of Happiness, I need to be happy to find my happiness. We all need to be happy, unless we are happy. What I have, I value and what I want and don’t have, I need.

Unhappiness causes the need to be happy. When I am not happy, I need to be happy, which is the affect of my unhappiness. That need is an emotional need, not a physical need.

Meeting my emotional need to be happy effectively reconnects me to my source of happiness. Unfortunately there is not just one emotional need called happiness. There are many possible causes of unhappiness and the need to be happy. There are many qualifiable emotional needs that are both the affect and the cause of unhappiness.

Whatever I need emotionally is a statement of my need for happiness. Every emotional need describes the negative energy void that affects my ability to be happy. Needing emotional energy means that I am disempowered with no will power and no self-motivation.

There are many ways that I can be demotivating myself, disempowering myself and losing my will to live. Equally, there are many possible ways that I can get my need for emotional energy met.

Meeting personal emotional needs requires the emotional intelligence to consciously understand what I need emotionally, to restore my self-motivation. Meeting an emotional need is how I motivate myself to have enough emotional power to change the limiting beliefs that are disempowering my happiness.

Firstly, I have to become aware that I have emotional needs; secondly, become aware of what they are and thirdly; become aware of how to meet them.

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