The Metaphor Of The Button Hole

A Metaphor is a symbol for something else.

A Button Hole is a symbol for emotional energy. It is a non-physical object with an objective. The objective of a button hole is to empower a button. Without a button hole, a button cannot fulfil its purpose in life. Without emotional energy, I cannot know my true purpose in life; let alone fulfil it.

A Hole is a gap in space that is perceived to be an empty space in matter. When we see a hole as a gap, we try to avoid the void. Energy & matter are a duality, so whatever is empty of matter is full of energy. Every gap in space is a point source of inertia awaiting the release of its potential. The potential energy of a space is eternally infinite.

A button hole can only fulfil its purpose when a button makes it feel complete. Metaphorically, when someone presses my emotional buttons, I react to my state of being emotionally incomplete. I am emotionally incomplete when I have a button hole wanting to be fulfilled.

Every Black Hole in Space is wanting to be filled full of a Galaxy of Stars.

When the button hole is seen to be as important as the button, I realise a shift in the emotional perception of my mental perspective. The perspective of my button connects with the perception of my button hole. A button, on its own, is just a physical disc with its own holes. It is relatively useless until it is applied to fill a gap and fulfil its purpose.

The paradox is that I am required to open my Heart, in order to close the gap between my physical Self and my Spiritual Self. When the gap disconnects me, I have no emotional power. When I connect to the gap, I am empowered by my own energy Source. Feeling the point of my energetic source connects me through the gap in space that releases my potential emotional power, from within my Self.

With full emotional power, I am ‘On the Button’.

A button can be attached to a physical garment yet remain unbuttoned. In my emotionally unaware ‘unbuttoned’ state, my physical button is not fulfilling its purpose. It is disconnected from its button hole.

My button can be attached but inserted in the wrong button hole. I can insert my button in someone else’s button hole. Sometimes it’s a good fit and sometimes it isn’t. I can allow other people to put their button into my button hole. Alas, it has no effective purpose other than to fill an emotional energy void.

Before my button can connect with my own button hole, it must become detached from other people’s button holes. When other people have attached their button to my button hole, I cannot connect my own button effectively. Sensitively detaching from other people’s buttons & holes allows me to exclusively connect my button into its true place (space) in life.

The destiny of every button is to fulfil its own button hole and take its rightful place in life.

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