The Meaning Of Success

We all have a choice in life of experiencing thriving, striving or surviving.

  • Thriving is about attaining succession. When my life is in succession, one beneficial experience follows another
  • Striving is about working hard to achieve & accomplish
  • Surviving is about not failing. Death is the ultimate failure

When thriving, I succeed in flowing from one beneficial experience to the next without resistance, obstruction or objection. Succession flows freely with the success of my own emotional attainments. Life flows freely and in succession when I allow it to.

Being happy allows my life to succeed and my success to thrive. Many people strive to find happiness and fail miserably.

“With the attainment of happiness, I cannot fail in life and my life doesn’t fail me.”

The meaning of success is in the mean balance. It is the balance of:

  • Emotional power with mental authority, as physical ability
  • Emotional feeling with mental thought, as physical reality
  • Emotional experience with mental influence, as physical existence
  • Emotional worth with mental confidence, as physical esteem
  • Emotional competence with mental capacity, as physical capability
  • Emotional enrichment with mental enlightenment, as physical enhancement
  • Emotional love with mental light, as physical life
  • Emotional joy with mental fulfilment, as physical contentment

Contentment flows through my life with the existence of my enhanced esteem for my real ability to be happy.

Fulfilment flows with the confident light of my influential, thoughtful, enlightened authority.

Joy flows with the worthwhile experience of a powerfully enriched feeling of love.

When I bring my life into balance, it means that my happiness is succeeding. In every continuous moment of time, I am succeeding in being happy.

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