The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life is to live in balance & equilibrium.

The freedom of equal balance is the mean in life.

Freely balancing my life gives it meaning.

When life has no meaning, I am out of balance.

When I am out of balance, life loses its meaning.

When I live on purpose, it has meaning & balance.

When I mean to live in balance, life has a reason and is reasonable.

With equilibrium, I experience the flow, the gap, and the now of life.

I am meant to flow effortlessly through life in the gap of now between my past & future experiences.

In the present moment my meaning of life presents itself as a gift for my self.

In the presence of life, I have meaning, purpose & a reason for my life.

Without a reasonable purpose, my life has no meaning.

My purpose for life is my reason to experience the meaning of life.



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