The Lord's Prayer

My Lord is my True Power & Authority, which is my Soul.

The Lord’s Prayer is a conversation between my Self and my Soul.

It is my Prayer to my Soul, who is  “My Father who art in Heaven“.

My Self is the Son of the Father, who lives on Earth.

My Soul is always listening and therefore “Hallowed by thy name“.

My prayer is asking each day for “my Daily Bread” which are the directions and the provisions that I require to fulfil my path that I have covenanted with my Soul to follow.

I am seeking that my Soul’s “Will be done“, which is my Soul’s vision for this life-time “On Earth“, and “not Lead me  into Temptation” by following the desire’s of my ego self that will take me off-track.

When I follow my path and allow all others to follow their path, I am totally accepting of life and know that all experiences are fore-given by my Soul.

I endeavour to accept the path of all others and “Forgive them that trespass against me” as my Soul accepts my chosen path and “forgives me my trespasses“.

When I accept my  Soul’s Path it will “Lead me not into Temptation” and “deliver me from the evil” that is the consequence of a dual reality life of judgement between good and bad or right and wrong.

When I overcome the duality of heaven & earth and heaven & hell, I will realise that my Soul’s “Kingdom of Heaven” is the reality that I choose to create here on Earth, once I am connected to my True “Power and the Glory” of my True Authority to choose it.

I know that I am a Divine Being experiencing a physical existence as an Emissary of my Soul on an eternal journey “For Ever and Ever” as are “All Men“.

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