The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction underpins the Golden Rule.

The law is that ‘Like energy unto itself is drawn’.

It is called a law because it is an absolute experience.

Absolute means that it is not relative to something else.

It is immutable and unconditional in its application.

It applies without condition or judgment.

Like vibrations of energy attract like vibrations of energy, it is the Law.

Therefore, whatever I think, I experience as my reality because the vibrational energy of thought is creative.

The Law of Attraction is the means through which Consciousness creates reality.

Consciousness attracts reality in alignment with its thought.

The force of conscious thought is authorised by the Law of Attraction.

Authorised thought is always empowered.

Authorised & empowered thought is absolutely creative and enables reality to become a real experience.

The Law of Attraction allows an individual to create their own version of reality by virtue of their thoughts.

What I perceive to be real therefore, becomes my version of reality.

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