The Internal Health Service

My Internal Health Service serves my Self with healthy opportunities and healthy experiences. My internal mental operating system, serves up healthy experiences in alignment with my healthy programming.

Corruptions in my mental operating system, serve up negative physical experiences of sickness, illness & unwellness. Our external Health Service is designed to fight illness and cure unwellness, without promoting personal wellbeing. Fighting disease, curing illness and treating sickness, are all corruptions of a self-operating personal healing system that oppose wellbeing and preserve unwellness.

A well ‘Being’ has no reason to fight anything. I only fight what I fear will make me unwell. What I fear will make me ill, will. Ill will, which opposes wellbeing, is the major cause of being ill. Curing illness preserves the state of being unwell. It is being Well that preserves my wellness and promotes my wellbeing.

The cure for all illness is to preserve personal wellbeing. I preserve my well being by being well, not by being sick. My perspective of being either well or ill, causes the experience of being either well or ill. When I think I am sick, I am; and when I believe I am well, I experience wellbeing. When I am well, I can get better; and when I am unwell, I can only get worse.

Well Being is the body’s own internal health system. To understand how wellbeing works, requires an understanding of what wellbeing is:

Physical Wellbeing is called Health. When I am being physically well, I am Healthy. My internal health system is working efficiently & effectively well, to maintain my naturally healthy state of being Well. Maintaining physical health requires positive mental beliefs that authorise and sponsor positive emotional power. I cannot be in a positive emotional state of being, with a positive mental perspective, and be ill.

Mental Wellbeing is called Wisdom; which is intuitive & innate, not learned. In my disconnection from my inner source of wisdom, my negative beliefs cause fear, which is the cause of all mental illness. Fear is the absence of owning one’s own wise authority, so it is not positively emotionally empowered. With disempowered mental thinking, I can be neither emotionally empowered nor mentally inspired and I am not wise enough to know how to be mentally well.

Emotional Wellbeing is called Wealth. My wealth is a measure of the quality emotional attributes that I have attained. Emotional wellbeing requires the ability to choose one’s own emotional state of being. A wealthy human being has attained pure emotional states of being that are attributable consciously to their Self. They have the emotional intelligence to be aware of how powerfully well they can be through their own emotionally intelligent choice. They are aware that the only pain that is ever experienced is the effect of the low state or quality of the emotional attributes that they are expressing.

Well Being requires the attainment of three quality attributes that are: Being Physically Healthy, Being Emotionally Wealthy and Being Mentally Wise.

  • Being Wealthy is the empowered feeling of emotional Power called Wealth
  • Being Wise is the inspired revelation of mental wisdom called Authority
  • Being Healthy is the attainment of being enabled with both the power of emotional wealth and the authority of mental wisdom
  • Being Well is the experience of being physically healthy, by being mentally wise and emotionally wealthy

Disconnected from my intuitive mental wisdom, I default to an external mental authority, which disempowers me emotionally and I become physically unhealthy and unwell.

My Inner Health Service is guided by my inner wisdom & supported by my inner wealth; which together sponsor my Inner Wellbeing Service.

Our external physical & mental health services, default to rational intellectual scientific logic instead of innate intuitive wisdom. In the absence of any emotional intelligence, there is no wealth, only relative degrees of pain & misery. It serves only to relieve pain and preserve mental illness by trying to cure it.

An Internal Health Service promotes Inner Healing, without any need for external medication or cure. The fate of every medical practitioner of the present day, is to be seen as a Quack from the past, by medical practitioners of the future.

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