The Intellect & The Ego

  • The Intellect is my conscious choice of how I experience my life
  • The Ego is my conscious sense of Self, through which I experience my life

The experience of the Ego being non-intellectual, allows a clear distinction between the two.

  • An intellectual ego believes that it has the knowledge/intelligence to make good, right & positive choices
  • A non-intellectual ego lacks the intelligence and the knowledge to make its own intellectual choices

Intellectuals reason non-intellectuals to be unintelligent and unable to make rational choices.

  • A rational intellectual thinks that emotional intelligence is irrational
  • An emotionally intelligent intellectual has an ego sense of self-worth, with the confidence to express their own self-esteem

Self confidence, self-worth & self-esteem are my mental, emotional & physical ego sense of self. My ego is confident, worthy and holds itself in high esteem.

An emotionally intelligent intellect has an intuitive sense of self. An intuitive ego experiences life with confidence, worth & esteem. When I know with confidence the worth of my ego, I am able to express it with self-esteem.

  • An intellectual ego has a rational sense of self
  • An intuitive ego has an emotional sense of self
  • An intellectually intuitive ego has the conscious-awareness of a spiritual sense of self
  • An unintellectual ego makes conscious choices intuitively
  • An unintelligent ego is unable to choose either intuitively or intellectually

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