The Inquistive & The Inquisitor

The Inquisitive is curious, keen, searching & inquiring.

The Inquisitor is prying, enquiring, snooping & meddlesome.

The Inquisitive is seeking their own path in life.

The Inquisitor is ensuring that others are following the path of their dogma & doctrine.

The Inquisitor follows the morals, ethics & principles of their religion or creed.

The Inquisitive follows their true values & their faith in their own core beliefs.

The Inquisitive is inquiring into a vision of their own truth.

The Inquisitor is the judge of a commonly accepted belief.

The Inquisitor is an Interrogator & an Intimidator.

The Inquisitive is a Sensitive & a Seer.

The Inquisitor ensures that the right knowledge is taught & learned.

The Inquisitive knows the feeling of their own intuitive insight.

The Inquisitor experiences the intensity of their own life dramas.

The Inquisitive experiences the fulfilment of their own life potential.

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