The Influence Of Love

The Influence of Love determines the emotional power of the mental authority of our personal choice. The true influence of pure love has the potential power of wise authority as its choice.

In a three dimensional reality, there are three relative influences that authorise the power of love:

  • Pathos is the influence of emotional feeling
  • Ethos is the influence of mental thinking
  • Logos is the influence of Intuitive Thought

There are also three aspects of love that influence the power of our authority of choice:

  • Eros is sexual erotic love
  • Philos is romantic platonic love
  • Agape is pure divine love

How sex, romance & love influence our life is a mental, emotional & spiritual mystery; to most rationally intellectual people.

Ethos & Philos are the influence of our individual sub-conscious emotional needs. What I need emotionally, and my partner needs emotionally from me, determines the nature of our attachment to be romantic, erotic, sexual or platonic.

Ethos & Pathos are the influence of our mental programmes & beliefs. I am influenced by the ethos and the ethics of the behaviour of similar minded people. I am influenced by the pathos and sympathy of those who are sensitive to my beliefs.

Agape & Logos are the influential power & authority of my Soul. When my Soul is the primary influence in my life, I am spiritually enlightened, aware and inspired by the pure light of my Soul’s pure love for its Self.

The Pathos of Philos causes the non-attractive inertia of similar genders of energetic wavelengths of unique emotional feeling.

The Ethos of Eros causes the unattractive entropy of opposing polarities of the vibrational frequency of our personal thinking.

The Logos of Agape allows the pure potential of life to attractively flow into the experience of our individually exclusive, physical reality.

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