The Importance Of Distinction

  • Distinction is the act of differentiation. With a clear distinction between one thing and another, I identify their difference.
  • Distinction is the excellence of a special quality, accomplishment or attainment. It is a measure of excellence that qualifies the unique quality of a special attainment.
  • Distinction is excellence with a difference, which is perfect

Degrees of excellence set people apart as different and honour them with a distinction. It is my attainment of qualities of distinction, which define my exclusively unique individuality as a person. My personal qualities have a distinct distinction, once I attain them by being able to attribute them to my Self.

When I share the same beliefs and perspective as other people, they have no distinction. When I challenge and own my beliefs, I gain my own distinct perspective of life. When the quality of my beliefs has distinction, my distinct belief attains distinction. The excellence of the presence of a clearly distinct & individual perspective is my true personal guidance through life.

It is following the undifferentiated beliefs and indistinct perspective of others that always takes my own life off track. With my own distinct perspective, I lead my own life by following my own path with clarity.

With the distinction of following my own different, unique, exclusive, individual & personal path through life, I gain the distinction of attaining attributes of quality.

When I see my Source as a Singularity of Soleness, I am indifferently at one with other people & objects and our evolution is strictly limited. SOLE is an acronym for: Singular Objective, Limited Evolution.

When I see my Source as the Oneness of Soulness, my Self is distinctly at one with my Soul. SOUL is an acronym for: Source Of Unlimited Learning/Love/Light/Life.

My Soul has a distinct purpose for its Self, which allows distinct possibilities for my Soul to attain through its Self. One Soul has no distinction. Many Selfs on many Soul Paths have an excellent opportunity for attaining the Distinction of the Soul.

With one sole Soul and no distinction, the Soul has no excellence, no attainment, no vision, no purpose and no mission in life.

  • With no exploration & discovery of the Self, there is no experience of the Soul
  • With no clarity & direction of the Self, there is no presence of the Soul
  • With no joy & contentment of the Self, there is no fulfilment of the Soul
  • With no happiness & wellbeing of the Self, there is no expansiveness of the Soul

It is only through the distinct act of differentiation that all Souls attain the distinction of excellence, as a unique representation of their divine Self.

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