The Illusion of Wanting

The belief that I want something is an illusion.

I believe that I want something when I believe that there is something that I do not already have.

My ego lives in the illusion of not having everything that it wants.

Because my Soul is able to manifest anything it wants, it wants for nothing.

If my ego wants something, it means that it doesn’t have it, which means that my Soul doesn’t need it.

If my ego wants what my Soul doesn’t want, it can have it, but it will take will-power to create it.

My ego already has everything that my Soul wants it to have.

My ego already has everything it needs in order to proceed on my Soul’s Journey.

My Soul wants only for my Self to experience Life and has already given my Self everything I need to do so.

The quickest way to have everything I want is to want for nothing.

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