The Illuminati

The Illuminati are the ‘Awakened Ones’.

The Awakened Ones are illumined.

Illumined means connected to the wisdom of one’s ‘Light’.

When consciously connected to my Light, I am consciously-aware of who I really am and why I am here.

As one who is awakened, I know the spiritual path and the vision that I have chosen for my Life.

Being illumined is knowing my spiritual nature and my spiritual purpose for my Life.

The Illuminati are the one’s who have chosen to awaken to their true path in Life.

The Illuminati are not the ‘chosen ones’ but the ones who have chosen.

They are the ones who have awakened to the knowing that they have chosen a spiritual path and that they have chosen to awaken.

The Illuminati are illumined not enlightened.

Enlightened means converted to the path of an awakened one who is a spiritual guru or religious leader.

I am enlightened by another. Being illumined is my Soul connection.

The Illuminati are awakened to their own path rather than someone else’s path. They find clarity and direction, support and guidance from their own Inner Teacher.

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