The Humour Of Stupor

The Humour of Stupor is the folly of stupidity. Fools can be perceived to be both funny and stupid. I laugh at the stupidity of my own foolishness, to release the negativity of my stupor.

Humour & Stupor are gender opposites, which can also be perceived to be polar opposites. Female emotional humour can be perceived as good, in contrast to male mental stupor being bad.

  • Sanguine Passion is the Fervour of desire
  • Phlegmatic Sloth is the Languor of idleness
  • Choleric Anger is the Rancour of wrath
  • Melancholic Sorrow is the Torpor of numbness

My foolish humour is a reflection of my contrasting stupid stupor. The stupidity of my stupor ranges from the negative desires of my anger to the negative numbness of my sloth. The foolishness of my folly ranges from the idleness of my passion to the wrath of my sorrow.

In the shadow of my negative perception, my stupor is a folly. Realising the ‘folly of my ways’ releases my stupor through the humour of my laughter. I release an emotional blockage when I change a mental belief. As I laugh at the stupidity of an old limiting belief, I realise the folly of my continuing stupor.

  • Emotional depression is the experience of idle numbness. My life-force energy is numb & idle when my emotional power is suppressed & depressed
  • Mental Anger is the influence of negative wrathful desire. It is the sub-conscious Mind trying to overcome its emotional depression

My one desire is to overcome the torpor of my languor and reconnect to the passion of my true wrath. The ‘Wrath of God’ is the passion of my Soul, not the anger of my emotionally depressed id. My egotistical sense of negative self is a pit of foolish stupidity, which is full of self pity.

“The anguish of my depression causes the foolishness of my stupidity and medicating my folly is the cause of my intoxicating stupor“

The real folly is how we sub-consciously choose to relieve our emotional depression. For undiagnosed depression, we resort to an emotional energy substitute of personal preference. I may personally prefer to medicate my depressed emotional power with alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar or adrenalin. They all stimulate my opiate receptors with endorphins to enhance my emotional mood.

For clinically diagnosed depression, we are prescribed a stronger narcotic, opiate, drug to stimulate us emotionally and sedate us mentally. When my depression turns to anger, I am prescribed a sedative to counteract the intolerable frustration of the emotional incompetence of my mental incapacity. I soon become addicted to the ‘uppers & downers’ of the emotional trauma of my mental dramas. As each emotional energy substitute becomes less & less sustaining, a more substantial dose is required to stimulate my mood and suppress the irritating agitation of my frustrated anxiety. Stronger stimulants can cause fatal overdoses and are legally banned for public consumption. Illegal drugs are considered a toxic poison unless prescribed as a medicating drug.

  • Medicines are legal toxic drugs
  • Poisons are illegal toxic drugs
  • Soft drugs pick me up
  • Hard drugs bring me down

The reality is that we are relieving our symptoms by reliving our addictions to, either legal or illegal, medicinal toxic drugs. Our addiction to remedial cures does not approve the deliverance of our emotional folly through the release of our mental stupidity, to allow the natural healing of our physical body.

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