The Guidance Of Duction

Duction allows Guidance. It is the channel through which my guidance is ducted. The influence of fluent thought is channeled through the ‘aqua-duct’ of my mind. When guidance is effortlessly fluid, my mental choice of duction is determined by my present physical flux, through the clarity of my emotional flow, as the directive flair of my spiritual truth.

Induction is the inner sight of insightful, innovative, imagination. I am inducted into the realm of spiritual thought, which induces & inspires my revelations of higher guidance. My sincerest truth is inducted into my conscious mind through my revealed inspirations. I am induced to reflect inwards, through meditation, to receive my intuitive messages of guidance of what Plato called: A priori super-conscious knowledge.

Retroduction uses information, data & intelligence, from past, sub-conscious, A posterior, experience, to influence future choices. My perception of what occurred in the past, directs all my future options. It is the judge of prior opinion, which determines my future convictions and uses the inference of hypothesis, conjecture & presumption, of backward reflection, to assume a positive forward production.

Reduction is the egotistical analysis of the conscious intellect that seeks to reduce every occurrence down to its definitive causal affect. It seeks the cause of all its pain, fear & problems by the deductive denial or abductive ignorance of every true opportunity for learning. When my freedom loses duction, it is kidnapped and held to ransom; as sovereign authority is highjacked, with choice being withheld, pending scientific proof.

Introduction is the awakening of the physical ego to the awareness of its spiritual entity. It is the initiation of a baptism of water, which reveals a deluge of higher guidance. I am introduced to my supportive guide, and guiding supporter, through co-incidence, serendipity and opportunistic chance; with the realisation of my spiritual vision, mission & purpose in life. It is my introduction to a conducive reflection of my spiritual ‘way’, instead of a continuous reproduction of my egotistical ways. When my ego is the conductor, I am reduced to producing what I believe is comfortable & safe. As my guiding Conductor, my Soul reduces my abductive deduction and induces my conducive, imaginatively, creative, insightfully induced innovations.

I always have a choice of:

1. A sub-conscious, instinctive, abductive, retroduction

2. A conscious, intellectual, reductive, deduction

3. A super-conscious, intuitive, conducive, induction

4. A supra-conscious, imaginative, productive & continuously reproductive, introduction to life

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