The Golden Rule of Karmic Attraction

The Golden Rule is Karma in action.

Karma in action is the Golden Rule being experienced.

“Whatever I do unto others will be experienced as others doing the same unto myself”.

That is my Karma.

Karma is the Golden Rule working in perfect alignment with the Law of Attraction.

Karma is ‘like energy’ being ‘drawn unto itself’.

All energy is naturally attractive.

Whatever energy I express, I will experience.

This is how I learn which energies are beneficial and which energies are detrimental to my path.

An effortless life is being in a state of continuous positive Karma.

Living an effortless life requires being an expression of balanced positive energy.

I will always experience the effects of the Golden Rule of Karmic Attraction.

The question is: Am I enjoying the experience as beneficial or not.

When my experience appears to be detrimental, I can choose a more attractive energy to express.

When I express positive energy, I experience positive energy.

It is the Law of Attraction, the Golden Rule, my Karma, and my Destiny.



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