The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is the 2nd Commandment of Jesus:

“Love thy Neighbour as thy Self”

Also known as: “Do unto others asyou would have others do unto you”

Often misinterpreted as: ‘An eye for an eye’ or ‘Do unto others as they have done unto you’.

There is a version of the Golden Rule in every major religion.

My Golden Rule is: “Be unto others as I choose others to be unto me”

The Golden Rule is golden because because when it is followed it overcomes the duality of negative Karma & positive Dharma.

Karma states that what I visit unto others will be experienced in return.

Karma is a negative perspective of the golden rule.

Dharma is its polar opposite positive perception of the Law of Attraction in action.

Before I am able to love my neighbour as my Self, I am required to love my Self, which is the first commandment.

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