The Gateway to Singularity

The Gateway to Singularity is a black hole.

I cannot enter the singularity as a physical human being, nor would I want to.

The Singularity is where relative duality ends and absolute reality begins.

From the opposite perspective, it is where absolute reality is divided and relative duality begins.

Relative dual reality starts & ends at the gateway to singularity.

It is where matter is formed from energy and where matter returns to energy.

A black hole creates the formation of a galaxy.

There is only one singularity, yet there are many black holes.

Black holes are a portal in the fabric of space-time-reality.

They are points of infinite energy that connect us to the ether.

They are positive points of attraction around which matter forms and galaxies formulate.

A black hole appears to have infinite mass.

This is because Singularity has infinite mass.

Singularity has the potential to create infinite mass.

Is this Oneness of All that Is, with the infinite potential to create form, the gateway to God?

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