The Game of Chance

The Game of Chance is about winning & losing.

In the game of chance, I win or lose my fortune.

When I win, I am fortunate & lucky.

When I lose, I am unfortunately unlucky.

I play when I believe my luck to be good and I have a good chance of winning my fortune.

I play the game of chance when I believe that my fortune depends upon my winning.

This belief gives me a need to win.

My need to win motivates my will to win.

I have a need to win only when I am losing.

By the Law of Attraction, needing to win disallows my chance of winning.

Winning & losing are determined by the Law of Attraction not by the law of chance.

The law of chance states that the chances are that I will lose.

The Law of Attraction allows winners to win and losers to lose.

The winners are those that believe that their fortune does need to be won.

Chance is an Opportunity for my fortune to unfold.

When I take every opportunity in life, fortunately I cannot lose.

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