The Future Of The Health Service

In the Future, the Health Service will become a service which serves the healthy, by assisting them to maintain & preserve health. It will remember that the only cure for illness is the preservation of Health.

Our current National Health Service is an illness service that serves the sick by trying to cure illness with the elimination of symptoms of dis-ease.

In the future, the Health Service will promote Self Healing as the only acceptable way to maintain health. Curing will become redefined as the preservation of health; as opposed to preserving acute illness in a chronic form, without symptoms.

In the future, the Health Service will promote health through raising emotional energy; by overcoming negative irrational thinking, which is the root cause of all physical symptoms of disease.

In the future, the Health Service will realise that bad health is an oxymoron and that good health is innate when healthily maintained from birth. Disease and illness will be relegated to a past belief that health can in some way be bad.

In the future, the Health Service will have a spiritually holistic view of health instead of a dualistic perspective of physical & mental illness. It will realise that holistic wellbeing requires a wealth of emotional energy, with innate intuitive wisdom, to ensure the maintenance of good physical health.

In the future, the Health Service will educate people, from a very early age, how to manage the physical body’s natural ability to detoxify itself through self healing. The maintenance of a self-cleansing and self-healing physical body is essential to the experience of continuous good health. The elimination of the belief that illness is an external malignant force, which we become a victim of, will allow our self healing bodies to flow with vitality.

The future of the Health Service is the re-education of a healthy mind that has no reason to be sick because it has the time and the emotional power to heal its own body.

In the future, the Health Service will realise that physical Health requires large doses of emotional Wealth administered with mental Wisdom. Healing unhealthy mental beliefs and promoting personal emotional power, is the future of the Health Service.

In the future, the Health Service will fulfil its stated aim: To Do No Harm.

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