The Future Of The Education Service

In the future, there will be one international language and one global education service, available to all people online. Public, private and state sponsored schools will disappear.

In the future, intelligent learning will replace teaching. Facilitating learning is the key skill, which all education service providers will accomplish.

In the future, the Education Service will realise that as well as Intelligence, both Intellect & Intuition are vital to wise mental development. The intelligent use of data & information requires the development of the mind both intellectually and intuitively.

In the future, the Education Service will realise that logic is both rational & emotional and that both IQ & EQ are measures of our mental capacity and our emotional competence.

In the future, the Education Service will realise that the purpose of learning is the development of creativity. Learning is a creative skill that is not currently taught in schools. The essence of learning is mental & emotional development, the purpose of which is to facilitate creativity.

In the future, the Education Service will realise that personal mental authority and personal emotional power are the essence of personal creative ability.

In the future, the Education Service will enable people to learn to work, rest & play with meaning, reason & purpose. The purpose of learning is to personally lead a fulfilling and creative life. Learning to create a fulfilling and meaningful life on purpose will be the prime objective of all students using the Global Education Service.

In the future, all students will learn how to create the essence of a good life, as opposed to the current education system that is designed to teach students how to earn a satisfactory living.

In the future, as students learn to take responsibility for their own personal creative power, with their own mental choice of authority, education will become an enlightening, empowering & rewarding experience of physical life.

In the future, the Education Service will facilitate learning in alignment with the personal needs of each and every student. Learning will be allowed to be a unique experience for every individual student.

In the future, the Education Service will realise that there are no Masters, in a World where we are all here to learn.

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