The Frequency of Thought

Every Thought has a frequency.

Thought is creative.

Different frequencies of thought create different realities.

My ability to create my own reality is limited by the range of frequencies that I am accustomed to.

The range of frequencies that I am experiencing is the range of frequencies that I am creating.

With the acceptance of a new thought comes the opportunity to expand the range of the reality that I am experiencing.

When I accept a new thought, I expand the range of frequencies of my thought by one.

Every thought has a polarity.

Polarity is the direction in which my thought is directed.

The frequency of my thought has either a positive or a negative polarity.

A negative thought is contractive because I am experiencing growth, or a lack of growth, in a negative direction.

A contractive thought frequency lowers my energy vibration.

A new expansive thought positively expands my awareness, my wisdom and my vibration.

The Frequency of my Thought determines how much time I have to appreciate that thought in my present moment of reality.

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