The Four Levels Of Vedic Consciousness

The Four Levels of Vedic Consciousness are:

  1. Ahamkara
  2. Buddhi
  3. Manas
  4. Citta

Ahamkara translates as the cause of anything that I do. My sub-conscious programmed Id is the cause of my instinctive reaction.

Buddhi is my intellectual capacity to form & retain concepts, reasons, judgments, comprehension & understanding. It is my conscious intellect thinking pro-actively.

Manas is my intuitive connection to my super-conscious cosmic intelligence, with instant access to my responsive a priori knowledge.

Citta is my pure universal imagination, with supra-conscious access to the source of infinite creative power of an eternal mind.

  • Ahamkara is sublime ignorance
  • Buddhi is rational intelligence
  • Manas is emotional intelligence
  • Citta is spiritual intelligence

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