The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

An Apocalypse is seen as a disaster and the fate of all Humankind who are trapped in a negative perspective of reality.

The Fourth Horseman rides a pale Ashen Horse, called Death, on a journey to Hades or Hell. The rider is synonymous with the Grim Reaper, the harbinger of death. Death is seen as the final apocalypse or disaster for mankind.

The Third Horseman rides a Black Horse, carrying the Scales of Justice that represent balance. The rider represents the problems that we face and the frustration that is experienced, when we are out of balance with our true nature.

The Second Horseman rides a Red Horse, which is synonymous with our emotional power. The rider represents the pain that is experienced from the frustrated confusion of a lack of emotional power.

The First Horseman rides a White Horse, carries a Bow & wears a Crown; to fight the fear we encounter in life when we are lost.

From our negative perspective of life, the first three horsemen represent the fear, pain & problems of physical existence, when we are lost, confused & frustrated. Our white fear, red pain & black problems are symbolic of the ashen state of a living death, which signifies our personal apocalypse in life. A living death is a disastrous experience of Hell on Earth. Hell is not a place I go to when I die but a physical experience of a Slow lingering death, experienced here on Earth.

From a Positive Perspective:

The White Horse symbolises Mental Authority (Water) and the positive direction in which my authority of choice leads me. A confident choice of authority overcomes all fear and I am never lost because my direction is inspired.

The Red Horse symbolises Emotional Power (Air) and the clarity of my emotional awareness inspired by my empowered authority. Inspired with emotional power, there is neither pain nor confusion, just a feeling of empowered clarity.

The Black Horse symbolises Physical Ability (Earth) and my presence in physical reality to overcome any tolerations or problems. In the absence of challenging problems, there is the ability to see clearly in which direction all of life’s opportunities exist.

The Rider of the Pale Horse (Fire) symbolises spiritual life with a clear presence of direction, without being lost, confused or frustrated. The Pale Horse rides towards its Destiny, not the fate of its doom, with authority, power & ability, not fear, pain & problems.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse herald the beginning of a new destiny of Heaven on Earth, not the existing fate of hell on Earth. A long meaningful Life on Earth, not a slow decline towards death on Earth.

There is always a choice of perspective that is either negative, fearful, painful & problematic or positively authorised , empowered & divinely enabled.

They represent the four spiritual elements, dimensions or realms of Earth, Air, Water & Fire.

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